Article 14116

Title of the article



Pipiia Karina Dzhanierovna, Postgraduate student, Moscow State University of Design and Technology (building 1, 33 Sadovnicheskaya street, Moscow, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. A sense of animosity, which has relived over the last years, demands to understand the causes of growing insulating attitudes across the population, in particular towards migrants, Caucasian and Central Asian immigrants, foreign policy opponents and ressentiment. The research aim is to educe basic objects of xenophobia across Russia and the psychological boundary of admission the “Others” and to examine paternalistic attitudes of the population.
Materials and methods. The paper is based on data of representative surveys which were conducted by the Levada-Center throughout Russia in both urban and rural settings. The surveys were conducted among people over the age of 18. The statistical error of these studies does not exceed 3,4 % (when N = 1600) and 4,1 % (when N = 800). Regular samples of public opinion provided an opportunity to compose dynamic ranks that allowed retracing attitudes towards immigrants across the population for the period over a decade. The data of ISSP Study Monitoring were used for comparison of the public opinion about immigration and nationalism in Russia and Western countries. Also the qualitative method (as focus-groups) was applied. It took place in the first half of 2015.
Results. During the research the basic objects of xenophobia across the population of Russia were indicated. Also the bases for the origin of isolationist attitudes were analyzed and the support level of nationalistic claims, circulatingin the public space, was described.
Conclusions. The public opinion suggests that strong affection of Russians for the paternalistic interaction model with the State is a fertile ground for the growth of negative attitudes towards the “Others”. The composition of objects of xenophobia is always different as it is always affected by different historical periods (like periods of war and crises). Isolationist sentiments are formed on the level of collective memory and mythologema which are stably incorporated in the national consciousness instead of being a part of casual collective practices.

Key words

xenophobia, paternalism, public opinion, immigrants, nationalism, ethnicity, state policy.

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Дата создания: 26.08.2016 13:12
Дата обновления: 29.08.2016 16:29